
Vacuum Pumps

Source: Chemglass Inc.
Laboport and REG vacuum pumps are compact, portable, and are low-maintenance with no air, water or

Laboport vacuum pumps are compact, portable, and are low-maintenance with no air, water or pump oil required. These pumps are used for rotary evaporators, solvent recovery systems, vacuum distillation, gel dryers, degassing of liquids, vacuum filtration, desiccators and vacuum ovens. They will also handle most solvent vapors. The head/valve materials are Teflon and Kalrez. These pumps are 115 VAC/60 Hz.

Chemglass Scientific Apparatus, 3861 North Mill Rd., Vineland, NJ 08360 Phone: (800) 843-1794 Fax: (800) 922-4361