
Reticulocyte Stain (New Methylene Blue)

Source: ENG Scientific, Inc.
Generally, equal volumes of stain and blood are mixed together, allowed to stand 5 minutes and slides are made directly
RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE: Generally, equal volumes of stain and blood are mixed together, allowed to stand 5 minutes and slides are made directly. No counterstaining is necessary. The proportion of blood to stain should be increased for low hemoglobins. May be used for finger sticks or anticoagulated blood.

Retics Counted/10=Percent of Reticulocytes

Count 1,000 red cells and record the number of reticulocytes present.

CONTENTS: New Methylene Blue, Potassium Oxalate

This solution is made from certified dyes. For vitro diagnostic use only.

ENG Scientific, Inc., 82 Industrial East, Clifton, NJ 07012. Tel: 973-472-7200; Fax: 973-472-9460.