
PL-GPC 220/120 Systems

Source: Polymer Laboratories Inc
System Design & Control - Dual Zone Heated Autosampler
Polymer Laboratories Incgn & Control - Dual Zone Heated Autosampler

PL's innovative autosampler accommodates 40 samples in industry-standard 2ml vials. Injection precision has been measured at better than 1% RSD with no cross contamination between samples, and without the need for rinse vials.

The autosampler design features dual zone heating to minimize thermal degradation. The Hot and Warm zones are independently programmable from ambient to 220°C, therefore the samples in the carousel waiting for injection are maintained at a lower holding temperature, then heated to analysis temperature immediately prior to injection.

The vial is transferred to the column oven where the sample equilibrates prior to injection. This minimizes baseline disturbance and completely elimiates the risk of sample precipitation.

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