Design-Expert 6 Software
Source: Stat-Ease, Inc.
With Design-Expert you can screen for vital factors, locate ideal process settings to achieve peak performance and discover your optimal product formulations.
- Design-Expert is a powerful, yet easy-to-use program for design of experiments (DOE)
- Screen for vital factors, locate ideal process settings to achieve peak performance and discover you optimal product formulations
- A wide variety of designs are available, including 2-level full and fractional factorials, general factorials, high-resolution irregular fractions, Plackett Burman, response surface methods (RSM), mixture and combined mixture and process
- Terrific graphics simplify analysis, such as half-normal or normal probability plots, Box Cox plots for transformations, diagnostic graphs, as well as 2-D contour and 3-D graphs
- Locate your sweet spot by maximizing, minimizing or targeting specific levels for both responses and factors
- Achieve six sigma goals by exploring propagation of error (POE) for mixtures, crossed designs and transformed responses, as well as RSM
- Annotated ANOVA reports simplify analysis while extensive context-sensitive help provides immediate response
Stat-Ease, Inc., 2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 191, Minneapolis, MN 55413. Tel: 612-378-9449; Fax: 612-378-2152.
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