

Source: Omicron Associates
The MICRO STM/AFM features helium cooling and the AFM mode is used for examination of non-conducting samples

The MICRO STM/AFM features helium cooling and the AFM mode is used for examination of non-conducting samples. Temperature ranges available: 50-500 K, 120-500 K, and RT-650 K. The sample holder contains a heating element and a temperature sensor.

The instrument utilizes the Needle-sensor, an entirely electrical, integrated AFM-sensor which does not require any optical or mechanical adjustment. The tip exchange using piezo motors was adapted from the UHV SPM. The microscope provides three-dimensional coarse positioning of the sample, a scan range of 10 x 10 µm, multi-stage vibration isolation, optical access to the sample, and an in-vacuum I/V converter. The instrument is suitable for both spectroscopy and nanostructuring.

Omicron Associates, 1226 Stoltz Rd., Bethel Park, PA 15102. Tel: 412-831-2262; Fax: 412-831-9828.