
PITTCON 2001: HPLC Columns

Source: Eichrom Technologies, Inc.
The company offers three lines of HPLC columns utilizing the NPS non-porous silica particle technology and the SynChropak bonding chemistry—MICRA-Platinum, MICRA-Gold
The company offers three lines of HPLC columns utilizing the NPS non-porous silica particle technology and the SynChropak bonding chemistry—MICRA-Platinum, MICRA-Gold, and MICRA-Silver. Each column line is designed to meet the demand for standard analytical, high throughput, LCMS, and proteomic applications. Products are available for the analysis of proteins/peptides, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and environmental samples using Reversed Phase, Ion Exchange, Size Exclusion (GPC/CATSEC), and Hydrophobic Interaction.

Visit Eichrom Technologies, Inc. at Pittcon Booth 1728.

Eichrom Technologies, Inc., 8205 South Cass Ave., Suite 111, Darien, IL 60561. Tel: 630-963-0320; Fax: 630-963-1928.