
ICP-MS Sample System

Source: CETAC Technologies
A solids introduction system for ICP and ICP-MS, the Solis-500 permits the analyzes both conducting and
A solids introduction system for ICP and ICP-MS, the Solis-500 analyzes both conducting and non-conducting samples without sample dissolution. Designed for bulk analysis, this system can sample an area as large as 0.2 in. on any solid, and it is said to work well when coupled to an advanced detector ICP instrument. It can analyze steels, glasses, ceramics and pressed powders, and can be used with any ICP-MS instrument or photomultiplier based ICP instruments.

CETAC Technologies, 5600 South 42nd St., Omaha, NE 68107 Phone: (402) 733-2829 Fax: (402) 733-1901