
Detector Processing

Source: eV PRODUCTS, A Division of II-VI Incorporated
Detector processing is available for the conversion process of proprietary
eV PRODUCTS, A Division of II-VI Incorporatedocessing is available for the conversion process of proprietary crystal detectors. The cutting process involves characterization and orientation of the crystals prior to slicing, thus ensuring the finished detectors meet size and orientation specifications. The polishing process then converts the raw slices of oriented crystal material into finished parts ready for further converting, employing both mechanical and chemical polishing methods.

There is a class 1000 clean room facility for all metalization processes, and sputtering deposition coating is available with indium, tin, gold, zinc, copper, bismuth, lead and silver target. Photolithography finishing techniques are employed in a class 1000 clean room facility, and custom design and applications are available to meet customer generated specifications.

<%=company%>, 374 Saxonburg Blvd., Saxonburg, PA 16056 Phone: (724) 352-5288 Fax: (724) 352-4435